eLearn Registration Instructions for New Student Enrollment
Below you will find step by step instructions for registering a new student account and choosing a course to take at our online elearn training website. You can reach our elearn site directly by visiting elearn.cchcva.com or you can follow the links from our main website at cchcva.com.
Step One
Returning Student:
If you already have an account, you can login here using your username or email and password. This will take you to the available courses. Just pick which course you would like to take and you will be taken directly to Step Seven where you pay for the course.
New Student:
If this is your first time here, you will need to create a new student account. Click on the “Create new account” button.

Step Two
After you click the “Create new account” button in step one, you will be send to this page. Please fill all of the empty fields. Please choose a unique username such as your full name separated by periods (jane.middle.smith).
The email address you use here is where you will receive a confirmation email to validate your account. This is also the email address where your certificate of completion will be emailed to after you complete a course, so make sure you fill this field out correctly. After you complete the new student enrollment steps, in the future when you want to return to pick up where you left off or to take additional classes, you will also be able to log into your account using either your username or email address that you entered into this form.
After you have filled out all of the boxes on this page, click on the “Create my new account” button.

Step Three
After you finish step two, you will be redirected to this notification message. This page informs you that you need to go to your email inbox to confirm your account. Open your email and look for the new account confirmation email and open the email. Our confirmation emails go out within a few minutes. Normally our emails show up right in your normal inbox but if you do not see the confirmation email in your inbox, check your spam/junk mail box. You can also use the search function of your email and enter CCHCVA in the search box.

Step Four
Here is an example of the confirmation email that will be sent to the email address you entered in step two. Click on the blue link and your account will confirmed. This will take back into the elearn system where you can continue.

Step Five
This is the page that the email link sends you to letting you know that your account has been confirmed.
Click the “Continue” button and it will direct you the Course Page on the eLearn site where you can choose a course to enroll in.

Step Six
At this point your account is confirmed and you can click on the course you want to take. In this example, click on the “Daily Health Observation” course. This will take you to the enrollment options page.

Step Seven
On this page you can enroll and pay for the course by clicking on the bottom grey button “Send payment via PayPal” button. You DO NOT need to have a PayPal account to pay for this course, you can pay directly using your credit or debit card. PayPal is the payment processor we use to accept payments for our courses.

Step Eight
Click on the BOTTOM BUTTON “Pay with Debit or Credit Card”. You DO NOT need to have a PayPal account to pay for this course, you can pay using your Debit or Credit Card. PayPal is the payment processor we use to accept payments for our courses.

Final Step
Fill out the form and click on the “Pay Now” button and you will be taken directly into the Course you have chosen. The Courses generally have 3 sections, the content of the course, a quiz, and your certificate of completion. To take additional courses, simply click on the course you want to take and then pay for the additional course. Check back on our site periodically as we will be additional courses in the near future.
If you run into any difficulty, please reach out to me and I can help guide you through the process. My contact information is:
Rachel Davis (757) 621-8565 cchcva@gmail.com